22:57 17 April 2024
Post by: WBJ

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego Reports 6% Increase in Economic Support

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego Reports 6% Increase in Economic Support
Source: Press Material

In 2023, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) bolstered the economy with PLN 356 billion, marking a 6% year-on-year surge. The bank's management report underscores the pivotal role in stimulating economic activity, particularly through credit and guarantee mechanisms, which catalyzed additional capital infusion.

BGK's allocation strategy prioritized entrepreneurship development (30%) and strategic security (15%), amounting to PLN 106 billion and PLN 54 billion, respectively. Further support was channeled into social cohesion, public finances, infrastructure, industrial development, housing, and healthcare, reflecting a diversified approach.

Significantly, BGK's initiatives align closely with UN Sustainable Development Goals, with 86% of the support directed towards 12 out of 17 goals. Notably, clean energy, economic growth, innovation, and sustainable communities received substantial backing, evidencing BGK's commitment to fostering holistic development. As a state development bank, BGK collaborates with various institutions to drive Poland's economic advancement through strategic investments and international expansion.

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