
4 years ago

Post-lockdown Poland. How to make retail marketing work

4 years ago

Economic prowess or investing dissent?

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Currency wars

In a way, the world of currencies resembles the world of animals. In nature there is no good and bad. It is people who endow non-human objects, concepts, phenomena, and animals with human characteristics and human motivations for behaviour. by Sergiusz Prokurat


Nightmare on the Odra River

The ecological disaster on the Odra river this year has shocked almost all of Poland and became a subject of ongoing public discussion in the country since the summer. The source of the contamination has not yet been identified. By Sergiusz Prokurat


Ambassadors’ Corner (December2021 8)

Jürg Burri, a Swiss Ambassador, tells WBJ about the 2022 growth forecast, popularity of e-vehicles, and electricity generation in his country


Ambassadors’ Corner (December2021 7)

Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama, the Spanish Ambassador, tells WBJ about the 2022 growth forecast, popularity of e-vehicles, and electricity generation in his country




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