lokale immobilia

A postmodernist gem

Groundbreaking ESG refurbishment

Virtual reality meets real needs

A project that will benefit the entire city

Archicom transforms a deserted place full of concrete near...

ECB encourages Poland to consider more targeted criteria for credit holidays

Banks divided of prospects of commercial real estate financing

EBAA 2023 - Urban Regeneration: Royal Paper Mill in Konstancin-Jeziorna

For the ambitious project, by developer Arche Group, set...

EBAA 2023 – Region of Year: Wrocław

The Wrocław regional market has shown the strongest resilience...

EBAA 2023 – Investment of the year: NREP’s acquisition of 80% of logistics developer 7R

For pushing full steam ahead in driving value to the real...

EBAA 2023 – Real Estate Development of the Year: Towarowa Towers

For a remarkable residential project that showcases innovation...

EBAA 2023 – Innovative Approach of the Year: Noli Studios, Mokotow Investor: NREP

For a novel concept that brings tides of change to an established...

EBAA 2023 – ESG Leadership: Panattoni

For showcasing leadership by maintaining a course on sustainability...

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