19:35 19 April 2024
Post by: WBJ

Polish Farmers Return to Blocking the Border

Polish Farmers Return to Blocking the Border
Source: MRiRW

Farmers have resumed blocking border crossings in Medyka and Korczowa. Protests are also ongoing in Dorohusk, Hrebenne, and Zosin.

Protesters associated with the Podkarpacka Oszukana Wieś association (eng. Podkarpackie Deceived Village) have blocked border crossings with Ukraine in the Podkarpackie and Lubelskie voivodeships. The blockade, which started yesterday, is set to last two days.

At the border, only trucks are being stopped, while passenger cars and buses are allowed to pass without any obstacles.

Officer Ewa Czyż from the police in Chełm reported yesterday that there is a 7 km long queue at the Dorohusk border crossing, with 300 trucks waiting. The waiting time for clearance is 95 hours, which is almost four days.



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