23:31 3 March 2021
Post by: WBJ

There are too many cars in Warsaw

There are too many cars in Warsaw
Source: Photo by Arjun Lama on Unsplash

The number of cars on its roads is responsible, among other things, for the level of air pollution in Warsaw. The list of vehicles registered in the capital shows that there are several times more of them than in other metropolises. Their number is completely unprecedented - as it equals the number of inhabitants, which is unheard of in other countries. Comparing Warsaw with Berlin or Vienna, we see that there are two to three times more cars on our roads in relation to the number of inhabitants. This means that the amount of pollutants produced by cars, such as nitrogen and ozone oxides, is much greater in our air. However, there are voices pointing to the distortion of these calculations.

"I heard arguments that this is why we have so many cars in Warsaw, that company cars are registered here, which in fact travel all over Poland. Certainly, it is. But on the other hand, there are cars around the city not only with Warsaw numbers. Newcomers who work and live in Warsaw regularly enter the city. I think these two processes align quite well," Piotr Siergiej from the Warsaw Smog Alert told eNewsroom.

“Anyway, there are too many cars in the city. The municipal office should understand that without limiting the inflow of cars to the city, we will not have clean air in the spring and summer period. In winter, our smokes smoke – but it will be warm soon, the smoke will go out. And what will we have left? We will be left with the cars, further poisoning our city,” Siergiej explained.


piotr siergiej
warsaw smog alert

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