Caroline Derpienski to be a very bad example for teenagers: Aneta Glam-Kurp

Aneta Glam-Kurp, source: Newseria

Aneta Glam-Kurp, a participant in the "Real Housewives of Miami" program, believes that Caroline Derpienski confuses the minds of Polish teenagers and intentionally misleads them through TikTok snippets in which she displays her fictional, luxurious life. That's why she wants to do everything to protect young girls from the negative influence of the cunning influencer, whose primary values are material goods.

Aneta Glam-Kurp recently accused her of importing the creations from the "333 by Caroline Derpienski" collection from China, and the ready-made outfits can be purchased in one of the stores in Miami.

"She takes advantage of the unawareness of people, average Poles who live in Poland, have never been in the world, have never been to the United States, have never been to Miami, and do not know the local reality. She went to Poland and started inventing stories there, wearing fake bags, taking pictures of cars and houses that were not hers, and taking pictures of watches and rings that did not belong to her. There is no continuity there, nothing from a normal life, she fakes everything with these flashes," Aneta Glam-Kurp said.


caroline derpienski
aneta glam-kurp

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