HOP represents a fascinating case study in our approach to value creation and revitalization. Initially, the building wasn’t exactly a jewel in Warsaw’s skyline; it was considered one of the least appealing office spaces in the city, and its discounted price reflected that sentiment. However, we saw untapped potential and an opportunity to reimagine its purpose.

It has a very strong post-modernist design. We could not undo that. There is no way to change the shape that is so large and solid. Instead, we decided to double down on its postmodernism and create an iconic postmodernist gem. Our strategy was to leverage the building’s strengths, such as its expansive atrium and sunny plaza, and transform its weaknesses into unique selling points.

At the time, coworking was a rising trend, but we recognized its limitations in providing stable, long-term leases. Instead of merely following the trend, we decided to integrate elements of coworking into the building’s design while ensuring the security and stability of traditional office leases.

Despite initial apprehensions from investors, we remained steadfast in our belief that our vision would pay off. And it did. The final result exceeded expectations, earning praise from tenants and the market alike.

Address: Chmielna 132/134, 00-805 Warszawa

For more information click here

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