14:41 11 March 2019
Post by: WBJ

Business / The show must go on

In many places throughout the world, democracy is beginning to buckle, losing the fight with more effective authoritarian systems of either the hard or soft variety. These hybrid forms of government have a common component – arbitrary and unconstrained rule.

Business / The show must go on

Democratic societies are increasingly choosing governments that are less concerned with the viewpoints of minorities and their political opponents. These governments consistently and, sometimes forcefully, promote their own worldviews and adopt their own methods to solve problems and conflicts.

Autocratic policies are gaining ground worldwide. This includes the leaders of major countries and world powers.
Increasingly, these governments are applying pressure on their political opposition. The leaders of these countries are beginning to unite and choose new, often startling strategic goals and methods of implementation. Some more egotistical, national-centric strategies have aroused general concern.

Their rise to power has been enabled by voters who more and more frequently opt for strong-willed representatives and who are increasingly complacent when their leaders eschew the recognized standards of social and political decency. We are increasingly eager to accept and tolerate attitudes where the ends justify the means, turning a blind eye to the erosion of social values, even reverting back to those worldviews that had long been discarded as unjust.

Violence and blackmail, as well as oppression, are gaining legitimacy as the sanctioned approach of modern politics. Their increasing impact, power and effectiveness is measured in direct proportion to their visibility on social media. The world is going through a fundamental change right before our eyes.
Things that until quite recently were considered unthinkable are no longer hypothetical. They are becoming a reality. Accordingly, we can no longer live in denial, but we must learn to accept the truth and see the changing world for what it is becoming.

For many, the only viable response to the often unpredictably changing conditions is to accept the current state of affairs, rather than fight a fight they see as unwinnable – even if these changes are becoming increasingly frequent and oftentimes irreversible.

A nother fundamental question is whether we are collectively able to adapt to change and actively use it to our advantage, which largely depends on how capable we are of analyzing and understanding the transformation in our environments, including the business environments in which we operate. Our understanding of the changing environment and our ability to navigate it are important skills that we need to improve so as to process change in the most natural way.

On the one hand, it makes sense to preserve certain elements of stability, rather than resist the inevitable. If you choose to avoid conflict, you may have to accept that things will be different, but you do not risk total failure. After all, you can’t lose if you don’t fight.

Our firm’s established strategy of adapting to change allows us to carry on. As Wojciech Młynarski, the Polish bard of the century, sang: “Let’s do our thing, while we still have it in us to go on.” And while he may never get the recognition he deserves due to language constraints, his words are no less true, and his message is no less valid.

We have also recently experienced a significant change. Our firm has changed. A group who suddenly decided on a different development scenario have left the company. They decided they were no longer satisfied with the status quo and that I – the symbol of the firm’s beginning – was no longer needed.

They thought that it was time for their chance to rule (incidentally, a more authoritarian regime in nature). They rejected the positions that they had gained through the long-lasting, sometimes arduous, organic development of our firm. They turned against the organization that had accepted and nurtured them. They turned on their own.

And they failed. The culture they chose to abandon turned out to be more resilient, fortified by decades of experience, achievement and synergies. This year, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of our founding. And while it is regrettable that they had to leave, we continue to thrive. And we will continue to develop even faster and more vigorously. We accept and implement change. The show must go on.

We need to embrace change rather than fear it. It can in fact be very positive. And according to Heraclitus, it is the only constant in our lives, anyway.

authoritarian systems

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