Children's birth completely changed my perception of the world: actress Zuzanna Grabowska

Zuzanna Grabowska, source: Newseria

Polish actress Zuzanna Grabowska, who is best known for her roles in the TV series "Planeta Singli" and "Ojciec Mateusz", says that the birth of her children completely changed her perception of the world.

"Every new stage of life brings with it certain changes that we have to accept. And although it is often difficult to deal with a life revolution, after a while we can appreciate all the benefits that a given situation has brought us," Grabowska said.

For Grabowska, one of those turning points was the birth of her first child. With the benefit of hindsight, she confirms that motherhood turned her life upside down, but at the same time brought her happiness and fulfillment.


zuzanna grabowska

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