Personnel Service, a leader in employing foreign personnel and a leading outsourcing company in Poland, wants to debut on NewConnect. For this purpose, it has agreed with the Trinity Group. The first step for the company will be a capital increase of PLN 15-25 million already in December this year. Then, by January 2022 at the latest, the Trinity Group listed on NewConnect will acquire 100 percent of the shares of Personnel Service and at the same time will issue shares that will be acquired by all shareholders of Personnel Service (including investors acquired during the December roadshow), in proportion to the shares held in the Personnel Service. After this transaction, the Trinity Group will change its name and will operate under the name Personnel Service.

"We hope that the capitalization of our company will reach PLN 1 billion next year. The market valuation of the company is one of the reasons why we go to the stock exchange. This will be the most reliable assessment of our hard work. The stock exchange also gives easier access to financing. , which, given the company's strong entry into foreign markets, may soon be of great importance. Only in the past year, we have expanded into Europe by entering the markets of Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Finland," Tomasz Hanczarek, President of the Management Board of Personnel Service, said.


personnel service
tomasz hanczarek

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