Poland as the green hub of Central and Eastern Europe

ESG Warsaw is one of the most significant events for participants in the capital market in Poland focusing on sustainable investments. The conference organizers have unequivocally confirmed that issues related to sustainable development are becoming an integral part of the functioning of capital markets worldwide.
“The Warsaw Stock Exchange has been supporting companies in fulfilling their ESG reporting obligations for years. We organize training in this area, and in cooperation with the Krakow School of Business, we are creating postgraduate studies in "ESG Management." In 2021, we published the "ESG Reporting Guidelines," which will be updated this year. As a capital group, we also emphasize development in this area. It is a key element of the new GPW Strategy for 2023-2027 and the ESG Strategy of the GPW Capital Group for 2025. We want to expand our product offering for investors in this area and support issuers in complying with new reporting obligations in accordance with ESRS requirements," Izabela Olszewska, a member of the WSE Management Board, said.