At this year's Summer Olympics, Poland ranked 41st in the medal table, its lowest position in nearly 70 years. While part of this outcome can be attributed to bad luck, it also reflects the relatively low status of sports in Polish society. Individual spending on sports and the level of physical activity among Poles are low compared to the EU average. Although there has been progress, with some improvement in recent years, it ideally should be happening at a faster pace.
Over the past decade, spending on sports and recreation in Poland, measured per capita, has increased by 130 percent, according to Eurostat data. This growth rate is more than 2.5 times the EU average. The sports market in Poland is developing and holds significant potential for further expansion, as sports are considered a higher-order need. However, the current level of development remains low compared to other countries, primarily because Poland ranks only 20th in the EU in terms of physical activity among its residents. This dual nature—significant market potential alongside societal limitations—is also recognized by representatives of companies selling sports equipment and services.