17:11 22 September 2023
Post by: WBJ

Poland takes bronze in the smog Olympics

Poland takes bronze in the smog Olympics
Source: Photo by Evgeny Nelmin on Unsplash

Europeans are breathing poison, and the continent is facing an alarming air pollution crisis. Poland is on the ignominious podium of countries with the most toxic air in Europe. These are the findings of a study by Utrecht University and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.

The study results show that 98 percent of the European population lives in regions where fine particle pollution significantly exceeds World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Almost two-thirds of Europeans live in areas where air quality exceeds WHO guidelines by more than twice.

North Macedonia stands out as the country most affected by poor air quality in Europe. Nearly two-thirds of its population lives in areas where the level of pollution exceeds WHO guidelines for PM2.5 by more than four times. Serbia came in second place. Poland is third in the ranking of air pollution.


utrecht university
swiss tropical and public health institute

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