Poles discard approximately 113 kilograms of food waste per person annually, closely mirroring the European Union's trend of throwing away 131 kilograms of food waste per capita each year, as reported by Eurostat for 2021. In the EU, a staggering 58.4 million tons of both edible and inedible food waste were discarded.
Household waste constituted the majority, accounting for 54% of the total, with households throwing away 70 kilograms of food per person. The remaining 46% of waste occurred upstream: 21% in food and beverage production (28 kg), 9% in restaurants and gastronomic services (12 kg), 9% in primary production (11 kg), and 7% in retail (9 kg). This data highlights the urgent need to address food waste concerns at various stages of the supply chain.
Source: 300gospodarka.pl