Domestic Society
18:57 9 June 2024
Post by: WBJ

Poles Show Unusual Affinity for Millionaires

Poles Show Unusual Affinity for Millionaires
Source: Photo by Toni Pomar on Unsplash

A study conducted by German historian and sociologist Rainer Zitelmann, using data from Ipsos, reveals that Poles have a remarkably positive view of millionaires, surpassed only by the Vietnamese. The study, covering 13 countries over four years, found that Poles exhibit the lowest levels of jealousy towards the wealthy. Notably, 51 percent of Poles believe that taxes on the rich should not be excessively high.

The survey indicates that Poles admire millionaires due to their perception of hard work and success, seeing them as aspirational figures rather than objects of envy. This sentiment is less common in other European countries, where the wealthy are often viewed with more skepticism. The cultural perspective in Poland values the entrepreneurial spirit and the achievements of self-made individuals, contributing to a more favorable outlook on wealth accumulation.

Moreover, this positive attitude towards the wealthy aligns with Poland's broader economic aspirations. As Poland continues to develop economically, the admiration for successful entrepreneurs serves as a motivational force for many aspiring business people in the country. This outlook is significant in shaping the country's economic policies and societal values, promoting a business-friendly environment.


rainer zitelmann

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