Domestic Politics
8:46 18 May 2024
Post by: WBJ

President Duda in Qatar Discusses Security and Arab Investments in Poland

President Duda in Qatar Discusses Security and Arab Investments in Poland
Source: Euractiv

President Andrzej Duda's two-day official visit to Qatar was dominated by issues related to security, especially in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine, as well as efforts to increase Arab investments in Poland.

During a meeting with journalists, Andrzej Duda expressed hope that the economic talks conducted during his two-day visit to Qatar would soon yield tangible results. 

"I hope that these talks will soon bear fruit because, at the beginning of July, we expect an official visit of His Highness the Emir of Qatar to Warsaw, and then we will be able to discuss specific agreements between Polish and Qatari companies and the investment plans of the Qatari fund in Poland," the President said.

He emphasized that the current relations with Qatar translate into Poland's security, primarily in terms of energy. He reminded us that since 2015, Poland has had an agreement with Qatar for gas supplies (regular deliveries arrive at the LNG terminal in Świnoujście). Investments by one of the Qatari companies are being implemented in the Świnoujście port, and thanks to good relations with Qatari airlines, their Central European office has been opened in Wrocław.


andrzej duda

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