Survey: nearly 70% of Poles believe money brings happiness

According to a nationwide survey by the Ariadna research panel, 69% of Poles believe that money brings happiness, with young people aged 18-24 being the most convinced (82%). Among respondents, 17% strongly agreed, while 52% somewhat agreed. Conversely, 6% disagreed, and 25% strongly disagreed with this statement.
The study found that people who perceive their financial situation as poor are more likely to believe in the connection between wealth and happiness (25% strongly agreed), compared to those who consider themselves financially stable (16% strongly agreed).
When asked about the amount of money needed for happiness, 10% believed PLN 50,000 was sufficient, while 28% said at least PLN 1 million. Other responses included PLN 100,000 (12%), PLN 500,000 (13%), and several million PLN (13%).
The survey was conducted from March 8-10, 2025, using a representative sample of 1,109 adults, applying the CAWI method (online survey).