19th MBA Congress on "Degrowth as the new normal" took place in Kraków

The 19th International MBA Congress took place in Krakow from 19 to 21 May, offering an extraordinary three-day event focused on the theme "Degrowth as the new normal - perspectives and opportunities". The Congress included interesting discussion panels, inspiring sessions on various aspects of degrowth in business, and was attended by outstanding speakers.
First day began with interesting discussion panels and two inaugural speeches delivered by Anna Pawlak Kuliga - Global CFO IKEA Retail and Hal Halladay - CEO Breakthrough Leadership. During the panels, experts shared their deep knowledge and experience on the concept of degrowth in various fields, including business, management and marketing. Anna Pawlak Kuliga gave an informative lecture on creating value in the new world of business, while Hal Halladay discussed the power of approach and mindset in shaping the future of business.
The formal Gala Dinner, organized on Friday evening, was an unforgettable experience. During it, a Charity Auction was held to raise funds for the Rehabilitation Department of the Specialist Hospital J. Dietl in Krakow for the rehabilitation equipment for seniors and patients with oncological diseases. Thanks to the generosity of the bidders and artists who donated works of art for the auction, 31 works were sold and a record amount of over PLN 45,000 was raised!
On the second day of the Congress, Round-tables sessions were held, as well as workshops that covered many topics, from degrowth in business to personal finance management. Participants gained valuable insights and practical knowledge that they can use in future projects. On the third day, the organizers of the Congress organized a family picnic and a golf tournament, providing an opportunity for networking and outdoor activities.
The Congress effectively facilitated the exchange of knowledge and establishing contacts between professionals from various fields. The organizers expressed their thanks to all participants, sponsors and partners for their invaluable contribution to this event. The team of the Krakow School of Business KUE also expresses gratitude to the partners who supported this event: the Małopolskie Voivodeship, Krakowski Holding Komunalny in Krakow, the Foundation for the Development of the Education System and the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine - thanks to them, the Congress was an unforgettable experience for all the participants.
Source: WBJ