CSO: most employees have earnings less than average salary

In September 2024, the median salary in Poland was PLN 6,683.15 gross, which was 17.2% lower than the average salary of PLN 8,075.07, according to the Central Statistical Office (GUS).
The median salary for men was PLN 6,900.16, which was 3.2% higher than the overall median, while for women, it was PLN 6,479.99, 3.0% lower than the overall median. Looking at different age groups, the highest median salary was recorded in the 35-44 age range, reaching PLN 6,952.38. In terms of company size, employees in companies with 1,000 or more workers had the highest median salary at PLN 7,880.22.
The sector with the highest median salary was mining and quarrying, where it reached PLN 11,190.35. Meanwhile, the average salary for men was PLN 8,452.31, while women earned PLN 7,685.28, which was 95.2% of the total average salary.