EU to ban using gas stoves soon

When Polish cities were "winning" in successive rankings for the world's most polluted agglomerations, the government decided to act. The answer to the smog problem was to be, among others, the ambitious Clean Air program, scheduled until 2029 with a budget of PLN 103 million. The main idea of Clean Air was to subsidize ecological methods of heating houses so that Poles could get rid of, for example, "fossil fuels".
Instead of the worst from the point of view of the environment furnaces, the government promoted for example gas ones. The problem is that the European Union considers them extremely unenvironmental and is preparing a ban on their use.
The ban is to come into force in 2027 when the Clean Air Program will still be implemented by the Polish government. So it looks like the Polish government's flagship environmental program will have to be revolutionized or suspended. And also, to a large extent, to unscrew its effects.