16:54 31 January 2023
Post by: WBJ

Europe produces electro-waste on a massive scale

Europe produces electro-waste on a massive scale
Source: Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

The amount of e-waste generated each year in the EU is growing rapidly. NGOs and waste treatment companies are calling on the European Commission to act on the issue.

The directive in question is WEEE - the Polish-language equivalent of WEEE is WEEE, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. According to Eurostat data, 24 of the 27 member states, including Poland, have failed to meet the directive's main goal of increasing the collection and recycling of electro-waste to 65 percent by 2019.

The EC is currently reviewing whether the WEEE Directive is still fulfilling its purpose. It is also examining ways to simplify and revise it.



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