More than 2/3 of Ukrainian refugees speak their native language at work

As many as 68 percent of Ukrainian refugees employed in Poland can communicate at workplaces in Ukrainian, while 54 percent of refugees are already learning Polish, according to the study "Refugees from Ukraine – Professional Activation in Poland and Germany," conducted by the EWL Migration Platform and the Eastern European Studies at Warsaw University. In Germany, the percentage is only 16 percent. According to EWL experts, such a high percentage among respondents in Poland is due to the long-standing tradition of hiring workers from the East in our country.
"A key role in this issue is played by Ukrainian citizens employed in leadership and managerial positions, fluent in Polish in their workplaces, who ensure effective communication during the implementation procedures of new employees of Ukrainian nationality, who do not yet know Polish," Michalina Sielewicz, director of international development at EWL Group, said.