Poland Has One of the Lowest Vacancy Rates in the EU

Poland ranks among the EU countries with the lowest job vacancy rates, alongside Bulgaria and Romania, according to the latest Eurostat data. In the fourth quarter of 2024, Poland’s vacancy rate stood at just 0.7 percent.
The vacancy rate (JVR) measures the proportion of unoccupied positions as a percentage of all positions, both filled and vacant. Eurostat defines a vacancy as a paid position actively advertised for external candidates and intended to be filled promptly. In contrast, the highest vacancy rates were recorded in Belgium and the Netherlands (4.1 percent each), followed by Austria (3.6 percent). Poland’s rate, along with Bulgaria and Romania, remains significantly below the EU average.
Other countries with higher vacancy rates than Poland include Hungary, Slovenia, Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia, Croatia, Finland, Portugal, Greece, Luxembourg, Ireland, Slovakia, and Spain. The data highlights the challenges Poland faces in labor market dynamics compared to its European counterparts.