According to the report commissioned by the Polish Smog Alert, the inhabitants of the largest cities expect from local governments in terms of transport and how the pandemic affected the ways of traveling in agglomerations. The views of all respondents are quite similar – the statistics show only a slight discrepancy in responses between cities, therefore one can speak of one common view and generalize the conclusions drawn from the report. Most people support public transport and declare their willingness to use public transport - but on the condition that it is fast, passenger-friendly and comfortable. It is these features that are most important to Poles.
“Ticket prices are not the most important issue for residents of large cities – but punctuality, travel time and comfort. This can be achieved in various ways,” Piotr Siergiej from the Polish Smog Alert said.
“Poles support such solutions as, for example, bus lanes – that is, separate road lanes only for buses. We have got used to the fact that the voice of drivers seems to be the loudest and most significant at the same time - while cities are primarily pedestrians. The study shows that the biggest problem of Polish cities is traffic jams – residents do not like traffic jams and cars in cities, it bothers them. At the same time, they want to reach their destination quickly and comfortably. What remains is public transport – which the public supports, but under these conditions. Hope rests in local governments that can change their transport policy in favor of public transport and get rid of the most polluting cars from the city centers of their cities,” Siergiej analyzed.