Polish industry afraid of lack of competitiveness with companies outside EU

Polish industrial leaders voiced concerns about losing competitiveness to non-EU companies due to strict EU regulations, including ETS, ESG reporting, and the Green Deal, during the EEC Trends debate.
Cognor Holding’s CEO, Przemysław Sztuczkowski, argued that the Green Deal is destroying European industry, calling it "euthanasia on a living organism." While supporting sustainability, he criticized the way it was implemented and unrestricted imports from non-EU countries, which do not face the same regulations or costs.
Grupa Azoty’s CEO, Adam Leszkiewicz, called for tariffs on non-EU imports to level the playing field, particularly against Russian and Belarusian fertilizers.
Grupa Kęty’s Vice President, Roman Przybylski, added that unclear ESG rules shift the burden onto businesses, making compliance difficult and harming competitiveness.