After an in-depth analysis, I decided to sign the amendment to the Code of Administrative Procedure adopted by the Sejm and Senate, President Andrzej Duda said in an interview with PAP.
The amendment to the CAP was passed in June. PAP asked the president on Saturday for a decision in this matter. As Andrzej Duda replied, "he made a decision today on the bill, which has been the subject of a lively and loud debate in the country and abroad in recent months," and signed an amendment to the Code of Administrative Procedure.
The president also expressed his conviction that "with the signature, the era of legal chaos ends – the era of re-privatization mafias, the uncertainty of millions of Poles and lack of respect for the basic rights of citizens of our country". As he added, "he believes in a state that protects its citizens from injustice."
“I am glad that despite the heated political disputes that accompany us on a daily basis around these changes, which are extremely important from the point of view of Polish women and Poles, we have managed to build a political consensus. None of the political groups opposed the amendment to the CAP, both in the Sejm and the Senate. This shows even more clearly how important and expected these legal changes are and that they enjoy broad support in our country,” stressed the president.