17:54 24 February 2024
Post by: WBJ

Two Years Into the War on the Anniversary of Russia's Assault on Ukraine

Two Years Into the War on the Anniversary of Russia's Assault on Ukraine
Source: Photo by Dmytro Tolokonov on Unsplash

Since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, according to UN data, the number of affected civilians in Ukraine has exceeded 30,000 – over 10,000 have died, and nearly 20,000 have been injured.

Two years into the war, Ukraine needs $486 billion for reconstruction – according to calculations from a report just published by the World Bank. This is almost three times the estimated nominal GDP of Ukraine for 2023 and about 70 percent of Poland's GDP. This half a trillion dollars covers the costs of rebuilding and restoring infrastructure in an ambitious 10-year perspective.

The World Bank report indicates that the greatest current needs of Ukrainians are in housing (over $80 billion, or 17 percent of the total necessary expenditure). According to experts' estimates, 10 percent of Ukraine's total housing resources have been destroyed or damaged.


world bank

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