The upper house of the Polish parliament, Senat, in a night sitting, passed amendments to the controversial so-called anti-crisis shield passed by Poland’s governing right-wing populist Law and Justice (PiS) party.
The changes to the electoral code were removed and several instruments for entrepreneurs and employees were added including wider exemption from ZUS, benefits and higher loans for companies.
Now the ball is PiS’s court, where they can reverse everything.
At 03:30 am on March 31, Senat adopted amendments to the so-called “anti-crisis shield” – a package of laws with which the government wants to save the Polish economy from the ongoing crisis.
Just after 4 am on March 28, following an all-night parliamentary session using new online voting rules during the coronavirus crisis, PiS-controlled Sejm voted to introduce changes to the electoral code. The changes have been called “gross violation of parliamentary rules and the constitution”.
(Business Insider,