15:58 14 June 2024
Post by: WBJ

Women in the European Parliament: Limited Representation of Polish Women

Women in the European Parliament: Limited Representation of Polish Women
Source: EP

As the list of Polish MEPs for the upcoming term in the European Parliament is finalized, it reveals a significant gender imbalance, with men dominating the representation.

In the recent European Parliament elections, Poles elected 53 MEPs. The Civic Coalition secured the most seats (21), followed by Law and Justice (20), Confederation (6), Third Way (3), and the Left (3).

Despite the elections, women remain underrepresented. None of the parties achieved 50 percent female candidates at the top of their lists. The Left came closest, with women leading in six out of 13 constituencies. Third Way and Law and Justice placed five women at the top of their lists, while the Civic Coalition had only three. Confederation performed the worst, with just two women leading their lists.

Overall, 15 women were elected, making up only 28 percent of the total Polish MEPs. The Civic Coalition has the highest number of female representatives, with seven women making up 33 percent of its delegation. The Left and Confederation also have 33 percent female representation but with fewer seats. Law and Justice will be represented by five women, accounting for 25 percent of its delegation. Third Way, however, will have no female MEPs, as all three elected representatives are men.

This gender disparity highlights the ongoing challenge of achieving gender balance in political representation, even as efforts continue to promote equality.



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