How does the McDonald’s affect the economy?

The first restaurant was opened in 1992 in Warsaw. After 28 years, McDonald’s expanded across the country and today there are already 449 restaurants in Poland with a total of around 27,000 employees.
Although the restaurants alone create 27,000 jobs, it is also worth mentioning the suppliers. Together with them McDonald’s generates around 40 thousand jobs. Among the 47 Polish entrepreneurs that the giant works with are suppliers from the agricultural and food industry, as well as transport, logistics, construction, or other services.
In 2019, McDonald’s made purchases in the food sector for more than PLN 480 million. McDonald’s fries come from Polish potatoes, the cultivation of which occupies more than 6.5 thousand hectares, or burgers with beef, which is supplied to the producer - OSI Food Solution - by more than 78 thousand farms.
However, Polish producers do not supply only domestic restaurants. They export their products to McDonald’s restaurants in Germany, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Slovakia, and Baltic countries.
Not only local suppliers but also licensees. As McDonald’s emphasizes - “in 2019, 87% of McDonald’s restaurants were run by licensees - Polish entrepreneurs involved in local communities. Currently, there are on average 5.5 units per entrepreneur. It is worth mentioning that among 74 franchisees, 1/3 are women.