20:29 10 February 2024
Post by: WBJ

Polish Foreign Minister Expects Package Showing that Germany Wants to Compensate Poland for World War II

Polish Foreign Minister Expects Package Showing that Germany Wants to Compensate Poland for World War II
Source: Photo by MSZ on Flickr

In an interview with the German weekly "Der Spiegel," Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski talks about the issue of compensation for Poland for war losses, the need to be vigilant towards Putin, and the "great willingness to cooperate" with Poland on the part of Germany.

"We do not want any artificial hostilities with our neighbors," he said. 

On the issue of €1.3 trillion in compensation for losses and destruction during World War II, the Polish foreign minister said: "This is an important issue for us. Poland was twice a victim of World War II: from the German side and then when the Soviet troops imposed communism on us."

"Money is a difficult issue in times of war and crisis. We ask the German government to prepare a package that will convince our public opinion and show them: Aha, Germany is ready to deal with this issue," he stressed.


radosław sikorski

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