23:03 14 February 2021
Post by: WBJ

Lawyers from ‘Free Courts’ win European Citizens' Prize

Lawyers from ‘Free Courts’ win European Citizens' Prize
Source: Free Courts (via Facebook)

Lawyers, on the initiative of ‘Free Courts’, were awarded the European Citizens' Prize of the European Parliament. This award, established in 2008, is awarded for activities in accordance with the values ​​enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The informal initiative ‘Free Courts’, founded in 2017, is represented by Maria Ejchart-Dubois, Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram, Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik and Michał Wawrykiewicz.

The initiative arose in connection with changes in the law proposed by the United Right government, aimed at "reforming" the functioning of the judiciary. Amendments to the laws on the Supreme Court, the National Council of the Judiciary, and common courts resulted in massive social protests.

Award-winning lawyers base their activities on supporting judges who face repression, as well as engage in the defense of human rights, including the defense of freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and respect for LGBT rights. They also encourage the people to be active in public, including participation in elections.

The ‘Free Courts’ initiative clearly opposes the politicization of the judiciary and recalls the role played by the constitution in the Polish legal system. It underlines its commitment to the values ​​of freedom, equality, and democracy.

The European Parliament Citizens' Prize, which was awarded to lawyers, has been awarded since 2008. It can be awarded to individuals or initiatives from all EU Member States.

In 2018, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, Alicja Szatkowska from the Milicz Association of Friends of Children and People with Disabilities, and the Forum of Polish Jews were awarded the EP award.


maria ejchart-dubois
sylwia gregorczyk-abram
paulina kieszkowska-knapik
michał wawrykiewicz
free courts
european citizens prize

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