9:09 18 May 2024
Post by: WBJ

Core Inflation Slows, but That's All

Core Inflation Slows, but That's All
SOurce: Photo by Rapha Wilde on Unsplash

The National Bank of Poland (NBP) reported that core inflation in April stood at 4.1 percent, marking the lowest level of this metric since September 2021. This is positive news, but the downside is that there is no chance for core inflation to continue declining in the coming months due to the fading statistical base effect. As long as it remains around 4 percent, the Monetary Policy Council (MPC) will maintain its policy of maintaining high interest rates.

Core inflation is a measure that excludes the prices of products and services that are most prone to fluctuations and sensitive to government actions, namely food and energy.

(Business Insider


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