12:24 19 January 2020
Post by: WBJ

LOT wants to buy the German airline Condor

LOT wants to buy the German airline Condor
Source: Condor

LOT Polish Airlines has made an offer to purchase a Condor charter carrier belonging to the bankrupted tourism group Thomas Cook. However, it is not the only one who is interested in the transaction.

“The competition for Condor will be a very interesting process,”  Adrian Furgalski, president of ZDG TOR and transport expert, commented. Information that LOT is interested in Condor airlines appeared on Thursday in German media.

Thomas Cook announced that it was going into liquidation in September 2019. The carrier owned a fleet of 103 aircraft flying to many holiday destinations. In Germany, it operated under the Condor brand. The Condor line alone serves nearly 7 million customers annually and runs to 80 destinations around the world.

It was the fall of the Thomas Cook group that initiated the Condor crisis. At first, the carrier sought financial help from Berlin to maintain its operations and received a bridge loan of €380 million from the government. Lufthansa was interested in purchasing the carrier, but also the investment group Indigo Partners, International Airlines Group (IAG), managing, among others, British Airways and Iberia as well as Ryanair Holdings.

(Rynek Lotniczy)


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