18:41 2 December 2023
Post by: WBJ

Polish truckers' protest could cost Ukraine 1% of GDP

Polish truckers' protest could cost Ukraine 1% of GDP
Source: Photo by Rhys Moult on Unsplash

Ukraine could lose up to 1 percent of GDP due to the ongoing protest by Polish truckers, claims Deputy Minister of Economy Taras Kaczka. Kyiv claims that overall imports in November fell by one-fifth due to the protest.

Polish truckers have been protesting at the border crossings with Ukraine in Dorohusk, Hrebenne, and Korczowa since November 6. Meanwhile, Ukraine is complaining about disruptions to the Ukrainian market caused by the protests.

“The disruptions are obvious. There has been a significant drop (in imports – ed.). One-fifth of our imports are stuck at the border,” said Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Economy Taras Kaczka in an interview with the Reuters news agency.

According to government data, Ukrainian imports amounted to $3.8 billion in the first 26 days of November, compared to $5.2 billion in the whole of October.


taras kaczka

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