President and entire board dismissed at Polish nuclear program

Just before unveiling an updated Polish Nuclear Energy Program, the government dismissed the president of Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (PEJ) and replaced most of the supervisory board. Former PEJ president Leszek Juchniewicz was removed, with Vice President Piotr Piela now acting as interim head. Alongside him, Tomasz Szubiela, a former Baltic Pipe project manager, joined the board. These changes align with shifts in government oversight, as Wojciech Wrochna replaced Maciej Bando as the nuclear energy commissioner.
The supervisory board also saw significant restructuring, with new members Anita Elżanowska and Joanna Makowiecka-Gatza joining. Despite the shake-up, Piela remains in his position, ensuring continuity in Poland’s first nuclear power plant project.