13:04 24 March 2024
Post by: WBJ

Russia adds LGBT movement to list of extremist organizations

Russia adds LGBT movement to list of extremist organizations
Source: Photo by Norbu GYACHUNG on Unsplash

Rosfinmonitoring, the agency responsible for combating money laundering and terrorist financing, has added the LGBT movement to its list of extremist organizations. The Russian Supreme Court had previously banned it.

The international LGBT social movement and its subordinate organizations have been included in the Rosfinmonitoring register of extremist and terrorist organizations. There are currently 511 organizations on the register, according to the RBK news agency.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the activities of the LGBT movement as extremist and banned it in November 2023. Earlier this month, the movement was also added to the list of extremist organizations by the Russian Ministry of Justice.

LGBT propaganda has been officially banned in Russia since December 2022 for all citizens, regardless of age. Until then, the law only prohibited it among minors. Violation of the law can result in a fine of up to RUB 400,000 (about $6,700) for individuals and up to RUB 4 million ($67,000) for legal entities.



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