In a pilot project of multi-currency stock quotation the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) has partnered with Asian fintech company M-DAQ. The first stage of the collaboration involves the development of a proof-of-concept tool for real-time display of stock prices of WIG20 and mWIG40 companies in 10 different currencies. The next stage will be to analyze the feasibility of implementing a multi-currency trading tool which will allow investors to trade shares on the WSE in different currencies within a single liquidity pool.

“The co-operation with M-DAQ confirms the WSE's broader mission to create an international capital center. Traditional capital markets need to look at trading in financial instruments through the lens of facilitating access for investors. Thanks to technology, limitations such as the currency in which transactions can be executed will be eliminated in the near future. The WSE wants to be one of the leaders of such innovations," Izabela Olszewska, WSE Management Board Member, said.


izabela olszewska

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