A special time

I don’t know about you but I had all my plans turned upside down. I ended up spending nearly all my time here in Poland except for a drive to Denmark to see my parents and a trip a week later to pick up my kids. So I haven’t spent much time on the other side of the Polish borders this year. Do I regret it? Not really. Poland has so much to offer. And I love Poland and Warsaw in the summer: the weather, the “slow-life” attitude that settles over Warsaw as temperatures reach over 30C, the countryside and nature. It has been a good time – time to reflect and appreciate what’s close to us and our core values.
It is strange to think that slightly over five months ago we went into lockdown. The world, forecasts, warnings and reality seemed so dark and uncertain. And although we can’t ignore the tens of thousands of deaths and disasters that left some countries and families devastated, besides the fact that in Poland the infection rate is rising again, Covid-19 fatalities in this country have been relatively fewer. Plus the optimism is back. Or perhaps the stock markets follow their own path or they are 12 months ahead of the curve for business markets – it is difficult to stay bearish right now. But who am I to declare what to expect and how to forecast (or evaluate) 2020.That’s why I invited several experts as well as my team of journalists to investigate what’s next for Poland.
This issue is dedicated to hope, belief, dreams and (hopefully) the truth that Poland will still be in good shape while moving forward in spite of the internal conflicts. Also, the hope that business is here to turn this country into a regional economic powerhouse it was until the beginning of this year. And I believe the chances of success are bullishly high!
Have a look at our investigation into Poland ’s economy, how the nation is faring in e-mobility, retail and e-commerce development and challenges, Warsaw office market and many more interesting insights about the Polish business and economy. Most importantly enjoy the read!
It has been a special time: this summer 2020.