Editor's Letter

TECH PUNDITS LIKE TO SAY “today, now, this very moment is the slowest pace of change you will experience in the rest of your life.” This is because the pace of life already makes it difficult to handle day-to-day challenges, let alone create sustainable, future-proof solutions. We also like to say that “technology is supposed to make life more convenient. ”And while we are relying more and more on robots and AI, I wonder if we can handle the consequences of them becoming indispensable.
As Poles participated in the elections this October, society was once again divided in an almost 50-50 split. What I found most interesting was the fact that whereas prior to the elections the hopes for a change were extremely high, and people’s efforts to be heard loud and clear were immense, there was almost complete silence and indifference afterward. Does it mean that the saying “well, nothing will change, but what does it matter” is the most accurate description of the situation? Or does it prove one of my own naïve theories; politicians come and go, but the business will survive no matter who runs the country?
I think one of the biggest “discoveries” of 2019 was the realization that businesses need to take responsibility for our wellbeing and for the future of the planet. This attitude has already been adopted by Fortune 500 companies. Those great players invest a lot in reducing plastic and other harmful waste and opt for environmental-friendly substitutes. Speaking out for the better future of our planet is the right way to go, and yet world leaders – including those in Poland – seem incapable of choosing that path.
So, coming back to my naïve thought that business will continue while the turnover of politicians continues; maybe the future of our planet is in our hands as business people. However, let’s not assume someone will solve it for us. Instead, let’s do the right thing and be accountable to our employees, their families, and our future.
With this, I sign off for 2019 and wish you all a good and responsible 2020.
Morten Lindholm