Tech To The Rescue gains a grant and support from the team

The Tech To The Rescue Foundation, connecting technology companies and non-profit organizations supporting Ukraine, received a grant of $0.5 million from, Google's charitable department. Additionally, will support Tech To The Rescue from the Fellows team, who will be working pro bono to help TTTR build the platform's global footprint.
A few weeks ago, Tech To The Rescue launched the #TechForUkraine campaign, which has already combined over 35 digital support projects for NGOs in connection with the war in Ukraine. Thanks to the grant and the support of Fellows, Tech To The Rescue will launch dozens of new projects and maintain the #TechForUkraine campaign for another year, which will positively affect the lives of up to two million Ukrainian refugees.
The Fellows team will be supporting Tech To The Rescue pro bono for six months, working together with the TTTR team on building technology products for Ukraine. This is a new support model in the Tech To The Rescue portfolio.
"We are very happy that global technology company like Google believes in our mission to make significant changes through technology. Thanks to the grant and support from the Fellows team, we will be able to continue the global expansion of TTTR. We look forward to working with experts," Jacek Siadkowski and Daniel Di Giusto, founders of Tech To The Rescue, said.