Domestic Politics
19:59 8 April 2024
Post by: WBJ

83% of Poles consider war in Ukraine threat to Poland

83% of Poles consider war in Ukraine threat to Poland
Source: Pexels

83% of Poles believe that the war in Ukraine poses a threat to Poland's security, marking a 9 percentage point increase since November 2023, according to a CBOS survey. This level closely resembles the sentiment at the beginning of the Russian invasion. Concerns are notably higher among older, better-educated, and more religious individuals. Additionally, support for accepting Ukrainian refugees remains relatively stable at 61%.

However, opinions are divided on NATO's response to the conflict, with 39% considering NATO's actions too cautious. Regarding a potential armed attack by Russia on NATO countries in the next 3 to 8 years, 57% deem it probable. The survey was conducted through mixed-mode methodology, involving face-to-face, telephone, and online interviews with 1,089 Polish adults in March 2024.

Source: PAP

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