13:04 14 September 2024
Post by: WBJ

Cities Struggle with Over-Concrete Development, Experts Urge Greener Solutions

Cities Struggle with Over-Concrete Development, Experts Urge Greener Solutions
Dr. Jarosław Suchożebrski, source: Newseria

Over the past several decades, the average temperature in Poland has increased by 2°C. Each successive decade is warmer than the last, accompanied by increasingly frequent and extreme weather events. The PAN Advisory Team for the Climate Crisis assesses that these changes are further intensified by local urban climate characteristics. This leads, among other issues, to flash floods caused by surface sealing and a lack of greenery.

“Urban floods or flash floods are phenomena that—as everything indicates—will become more frequent and intense. This is a result of climate change. The atmosphere is starting to resemble an increasingly hot furnace with a kettle on top: there is more heat, more violent processes are occurring, heated water evaporates faster, and circulates more quickly in the atmosphere,” Dr. Jarosław Suchożebrski from the Department of Hydrology, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies at the University of Warsaw, said.


green solutions
dr. jarosław suchożebrski

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