16:38 18 November 2023
Post by: WBJ

Germans do not pose a threat to Poland according to a survey

Germans do not pose a threat to Poland according to a survey
Source: Photo by Piotr Drabik on Flickr

PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński often scares voters with Germans and likes to emphasize that the Civic Platform is a "German party." He also accentuates Donald Tusk's friendly relations with German politicians. "Rzeczpospolita" decided to check if this narrative still resonates with Poles.

The participants of an SW Research poll for were asked: "Do you think that modern-day Germany poses a threat to Polish interests?" 34.6 percent of respondents answered "yes." 48.3 percent of respondents answered "no." 17.1 percent of respondents did not have an opinion.

According to Wiktoria Maruszczak, senior project manager at SW Research, the Western neighbor does not pose a threat to Polish affairs in the opinion of 54.9 percent of respondents who have not yet turned 24 and a similar percentage (54 percent) of respondents with higher education. A similar view is shared by more than half (56 percent) of respondents with incomes ranging from PLN 4,001-5,000 net and almost 6 out of 10 (58 percent) people from cities with a population of 100,000-199,000.

(Business Insider

jarosław kaczyński

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