19:29 19 April 2024
Post by: WBJ

Polish Military in the Gaza Strip?

Polish Military in the Gaza Strip?
Source: Photo by Daniel Silva on Unsplash

A surprising plan has emerged suggesting that NATO forces should be responsible for stabilizing the situation in the Gaza Strip. As if that were not enough, some European politicians are expressing a willingness to send troops from their countries to this war-torn corner of the world. Could the Polish Military be among the peacekeeping forces? Polish politicians and military officials make it clear.

"I don't think NATO is created for this. NATO is a defensive alliance and the answer to whether it is getting involved in Ukraine and sending troops to Ukraine? No," MP Waldemar Andzel from the Law and Justice party said.

He added that if anyone wanted international forces to bring peace to the Middle East, they should turn to the United Nations, and involving NATO in that region could bring additional troubles to the world. His colleague from the parliamentary committee, and at the same time a political opponent, MP KO, Kazimierz Plocke, would not like Poland to once again be at the forefront of countries bringing democracy to the world.

"This is a complex problem. It seems to me that as long as other parts of the world are not calmed down, it is difficult for Poland to again be at the forefront of all these democratic movements. I think we should not get involved in this conflict," MP Plocke assessed.


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