In Poland, 1.8 million people live in poverty. Is that a lot? That's about the same number of people who live in Warsaw. What does it mean to live in poverty? We have PLN 753.92 per month at our disposal (single-person households) and PLN 670.15 per month per family member in a multi-person household. The daily budget in such homes is just over 20 PLN.
As the Spring Association, which organizes the Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Gift) every year and prepares the Poverty Report, emphasizes, people with limited means of subsistence show a decline in brain power similar to losing a full night's sleep. This has a huge impact on making future economic decisions. The poor are less likely to save and plan.
The report found that the number of people living in poverty in Poland has increased by 20 percent in the past year. The report also found that the number of children living in poverty has increased by 30 percent.