Wola Center, a premium class office building in Warsaw, acquired by the Hines European Value Fund (HEVF 1) in 2020, managed by the global company Hines, received the BREEAM In-Use certificate at the Excellent level.
Wola Center, an investment of 34,930 sqm of space, was appreciated for its quality management and implementation and application of sustainable solutions, including high-quality bicycle infrastructure, as well as activities in the field of electromobility and biodiversity. The structure, equipment, systems used in the building were analyzed. The positive assessment was also influenced by the application of systemic regulations concerning ecological and environmental issues. This allowed Hines to introduce further pro-ecological activities in the Woli Center, including the planned installation of electric vehicle charging points, waste segregation, and the creation of hotels for insects – a structure designed to provide them with shelter – with plants attracting them.
"At Hines, we put emphasis on pro-ecological activities and sustainable development, therefore the certification of Wola Center is an important moment for the entire team. The final assessment at an excellent level is proof of the ecological structure of the building and our efforts to create space with a natural environment in mind," Aleksandra Niewolska, Property Manager, Hines Polska, said.