ABSL World Values Day is fast approaching!

On October 19 the representatives from the arts, culture, social sciences, and business will join forces to discuss what shapes our sense of belonging and how it is affected by our ideals in an annual World Values Day conducted in Poland by ABSL.
ABSL is the leading organization representing the modern business services sector in Poland. The business sector hires 435,000 people and is one of the most diverse in terms of its workforce: 93 percent of centers operating in Poland employ foreigners, the sector includes five generations of employees and has the share of women in the total number of workers at 53 percent. That is why equality, diversity, and inclusion are extremely important parts of ABSL’s culture proclaimed in a year-round #WorkingTogether program that encourages companies from the modern business services sector to celebrate differences.
In eight chapters cities in Poland, inspiring influencers, thought leaders, local activists, scientists, and academics such as Vito Bambino, Marcin Meller, Janina Bąk, and Szczepan Twardoch will speak about inclusive culture in the workplace and everyday life. The debate aims to inspire individuals, organizations, and communities to take action and put their values into practice because #WorkingTogether is the best way to build a safe space for diversity. Learn more and register!