Poland once again among cheapest EU countries

In Poland, it is cheaper than the EU average in all the 10 main categories of goods and services. However, almost all of us lost our distance to the European average during the year.
Poland is almost the cheapest EU country in terms of food prices, according to the latest Eurostat data for 2019. Only Romania has lower prices. Food prices in Poland are lower than the average for the 27 EU countries by 31.2 percent.
In the Eurostat statement, which measures prices in PPP, i.e. according to purchasing power parity, there is an increase in inflation, because compared to the previous year, the distance has narrowed – in 2018, food in Poland was 32.2 percent cheaper.
Together with Romania, we have maintained our cheapest positions, despite the fact that both countries recorded almost the largest jump in food prices in the entire EU in the period under review.
“The Polish increase in food prices was the third largest increase in prices among EU countries. A bigger jump was recorded only in Romania and Hungary,” Jakub Sawulski, economist at the Polish Economic Institute, said.
Poland is still the cheapest country in the European Union when it comes to prices of communication services - internet, telephone and postal services. But also in this category it is no longer as cheap as it was a year ago, according to the Eurostat ranking. Our prices are still as much as 54 percent lower than EU average. We are also doing very well when it comes to the costs of living flats and houses, taking the second cheapest place in Europe (after Bulgaria).