13:19 30 May 2023
Post by: WBJ

EC concerned over Poland’s move to set up a commission to investigate Russian influence

EC concerned over Poland’s move to set up a commission to investigate Russian influence
Source: Pixabay

The European Commission is concerned about the Polish law on the establishment of a special commission to investigate Russian political influence in the country, and it may take action in this matter, Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said on Tuesday morning before the meeting of the EU General Affairs Council.

He added that the Commission is particularly concerned that the law “may deprive citizens, individuals of their right to be elected to perform public functions”. 

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and the Law and Justice (PiS) party government say it’s an effort to root out the Kremlin’s agents in Poland. But the opposition argues that the body will be used for political purposes against them ahead of this year’s elections.


russian influence

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